Technology’s Gamification of Mental Wellness

Technology’s Gamification of Mental Wellness

As technology becomes more and more integrated into our lives, we are experiencing new ways in which it can help us.

The age-old notion of video games being bad for us, has gradually been replaced by games that have many productive benefits. Games help us do so much, like learn foreign languages, develop cognitive skills, and improve problem-solving.

We can thank technology and gamification for that.

Gamification is the art of using gaming principles and concepts in non-gaming scenarios like education, skill development, fitness, etc. Not only does gamifying such aspects make them more engaging and fun, but helps players feel more motivated to complete tasks related to these.

Similarly, another aspect of our lives that is being gamified is mental wellness. And surprisingly, it is bringing along many benefits for us. Let’s learn more about this, and then I will share my two picks for recommended mental health apps.

How Does Gamifying Mental Wellness Work?

When we think about mental wellness, the first thing that comes to our mind is visiting a therapist. That means high medical bills unless, by some grave miracle, our insurance covers it. Given the declining state of our healthcare system, help for mental health is becoming more and more inaccessible.

Moreover, given the increasing number of individuals struggling with mental health — this is a major problem. However, today’s generation also likes instant gratification, and gamification taps into this need.

By gamifying mental wellness aspects, gamification attaches a sense of accomplishment to improving your mental health. It makes pursuing mental wellness goals more engaging and interactive.

Not only does gamification remove the stigma around mental illness, but it also makes getting better so much more fun. It attaches rewards and points to doing daily tasks like meditation, self-care, or journaling, which would have been boring otherwise. In doing so, it motivates individuals to pursue these tasks daily.

Components of Mental Wellness Apps

Gamified mental wellness apps have the following important components:

  • Mechanics: These are the elements through which users can interact with the app. Mental health apps that gamify mental wellness have mechanics like daily check-ins, therapy tasks, and mood evaluators. They can also have other features like avatars, progress meters, personalized daily affirmations, etc.
  • Dynamics: These are the way mechanics behave in an app and engage the user. In gamified mental wellness apps, the dynamics can be goal setting, rewards, and feedback. All the dynamics represent specific aspects that can contribute to the overall wellness of the user.
  • Aesthetics: These are supposed to evoke emotional responses in the user. These can be the narrative of the game, which can stir feelings of motivation, connection, fun, and accomplishment in the user. It is how the app appears to the user and can have color palettes and animations that match the goals of the game.

Another important aspect is that gamified mental wellness apps are mostly online, and thus need a steady internet connection. Only then, can you access your progress, which is usually stored on a cloud, and access the next levels.

In case, you are looking for a steady internet connection, you can use platforms like LocalCableDeals, where you can find the internet plans available in your area, as well as choose from a variety of internet providers and connection types.

Top Mental Wellness Apps to Try

As discussed above, gamified mental wellness apps or games can make the healing journey fun and engaging. Plus, they are easily accessible too. I am sharing two of my favorite mental health apps that helped me work on my mental wellbeing.

Finch: Self-Care Pet

Finch gamifies self-care, an important aspect of mental well-being, by giving you a pet who depends on you for care and nurturing. So, by taking care of your digital pet, you will be taking care of yourself. The app gives you self-care goals daily, like drinking a glass of water, or performing guided breathing. As you complete each task, you get points and rewards that help your pet grow.

A Screenshot from Finch Self-Care app

The app also has a goal tracker, daily mood check-ins, bullet journaling, exercises, affirmations, and tips to unwind for a good sleep. You can also get personalized insights on your mental health as well. The app is available to download for free on both Android and iOS devices.


This app breathes life into your emotions and lets you see and interact with them as magical creatures. You can do so by journaling on the app and interacting with Voidpets. The app is inspired by Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and special recommendations from qualified therapists. This means every action in the app is designed to prioritize mental health.

VoidPet allows you to log in and track your daily mood.

Moreover, you can also set and track your mental health goals, track your mood, practice positivity, counter your negative thoughts, and receive meditation tips to manage your emotions. Interestingly, there is also an overthink timer where you can jot down your intrusive thoughts in a journal. It is also available to download for free on both Android and iOS devices.

These are my picks for apps that focus on your mental wellness through pets and fantasy creatures. There are gazillion other apps out there that gamify mental wellness in their own unique way. However, their main objective is the same and that is to motivate you to focus on mental wellbeing.

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